SHOE HAD IT COMING: Boy Who Wore Surgical Boot To Fake Injury Takes Tumble

Story By:  Ana MarjanovicSub-EditorMichael Leidig, Agency:  Newsflash

This is the moment when a student gets a dose of instant karma after faking an injury with a surgical boot and then taking a spectacular tumble.

The hilarious comeuppance was filmed by a pal in Lijiang city, Yunnan province, south-western China on Thursday, 26th May.

The footage shows how the unnamed lad approaches a large, deep puddle, hobbling theatrically on an orthopaedic boot and crutches.

Lad on crutches dives into puddle as he tries to cross it using the wrong leg in Lijiang, China. (sx4123/AsiaWire )

But as he tries to hop through the water on his supposedly injured foot he slips and lands face-first in the water, sending his mate – who is filming the scene – into hysterics.

The student is seen sheepishly getting to his feet with his clothes soaking wet before walking over to dry land on the pavement.

According to local media, the student had a minor foot injury and was worried his PE teacher would not let him skip class.

Lad on crutches dives into puddle as he tries to cross it using the wrong leg in Lijiang, China. (sx4123/AsiaWire )

So he borrowed the surgical boot to make his injury seem more serious and give himself better chances of bagging a free period.

But his chances of getting off sport seemed unlikely as other students began filming his miraculous recovery.