Story By: Angjela Trajkovska, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Picture Credit: CEN/@karimovic_josipaa
This beautiful reality star has vowed to enlarge her breasts by two cup sizes after confessing to undergoing a previous boob boost and a nose job.
Croatian blonde, Josipa Karimovic, 23, who rose to fame on the reality shows ‘My Son Will Marry’ and ‘Couples’, said that she wants to invest more money on her curves, according to local media.
She said: “I was always unhappy with my nose. Society today imposes the wrong ideals of beauty on us, and I have to admit that I fell for it too.
“I paid 15,000 HRK (1,820 GBP) for a new nose and I don’t regret spending one penny of it.
“I have already done my boobs, but my goal this year is to increase them further by two cup sizes. Those kinds of women attract me.”
Karimovic admitted that her family has been against her undergoing more ops, but said that her mum gave up trying to convince her out of it.
She said: “The unkind comments from people who call me a plastic doll fall flat, because they – along with the critics – would love to take this doll to bed with them.”
This year, Karimovic decided to study pedagogy.
Netizen ‘Mirza Barucic’ commented: “Honestly, I would not touch you with a barge pole.”
‘Simonrhyner’ wrote: “Sexy baby!”