Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit: CEN/@plohie_novosti_18
This is the moment a parked bus rolls forward and hits an elderly woman with a child before running over the OAP’s body with its front wheel.
The incident was filmed in the district of Kuntsevo in the western Russian capital Moscow after the bus driver went to check the back of the vehicle while reportedly forgetting to put the handbrake on.
In the footage, passengers are seen leaving the stationary bus as an elderly woman and a young boy walk around the front of the vehicle.
The bus starts moving forwards and knocks both passengers of their feet. The boy manages to roll clear while the bus’ front wheel is seen crushing the OAP’s midriff.
According to local media, the unnamed woman was hospitalised in a serious condition with a spine fracture and despite the doctors’ best efforts, she succumbed to her injuries the following day.
Meanwhile, the driver has been arrested as the investigation continues.
In December 2018, a bus driver in Moscow forgot to put on the handbrake and the moving vehicle hit 14 people outside a nearby tube station, according to local media.
The bus driver in question was reportedly sentenced to four years in prison.
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