Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: CEN
A pregnant woman has died after reportedly being stabbed and set on fire by her drunk husband who burnt himself alive after the incident.
The shocking incident occurred in the city of La Plata in the Buenos Aires province in Argentina when 34-year-old Juana Carolina Britez Rojas reportedly got into an argument with her boyfriend Isidoro Brizuela, 25.
Local media report Rojas, who was Paraguayan but had lived in Argentina for more than two decades, was considering leaving Brizuela because of his alcohol addiction and they had become embroiled in an argument when he was drunk.
Pictures Credit: CEN
Investigators believe that during the argument, Brizuela stabbed his pregnant girlfriend with a knife before dousing her in a flammable liquid and setting her on fire.
Cops believe the aggressor then poured the liquid over himself and set himself on fire.
The couple were rushed to hospital and Brizuela, who had 75 percent of his body covered in burns, died three days later from his wounds.
Rojas, who was reportedly between 20 and 22 weeks pregnant, had burns to her abdomen and arms as well as having problems breathing. Doctors also confirmed she had stab wounds.
She died after 12 days in hospital and doctors had to perform an emergency caesarean to try and save her baby but it did not survive, according to reports.
Gustavo Britez Rojas, the victim’s brother said: “We knew they had problems, but he did not beat her.
“We will never know what happened that crazy day, but it was for sure a femicide.”