Israeli Team Apologises For Breaking Olympic Anti Bonking Bed

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Israel’s baseball team has apologised for intentionally breaking one of the Olympic Village’s ‘anti-sex’ cardboard beds to show how sturdy they are.

Olympic baseball player Ben Wagner posted a clip of nine team members bouncing on a cardboard bed to see how sturdy it is that went viral.

One by one, team members tried to break the cardboard bed until nine players were eventually able to collapse it.

However, the footage sparked an online backlash and the Israeli Olympic Committee condemned the video and slammed the team members involved.

In response to the online row, Ben Wagner apologised on behalf the Israeli baseball team.

Israeli baseball players breaking Olympic bed while filming a TikTok video posted by Ben Wagner a baseball player on the Israeli Olympics team. (Newsflash)

In a video statement, the Baseball player says: “We meant no disrespect, and just wanted to show off how effective and sturdy the beds are in the Olympic Village.”

He added that the team was supplied with an extra bed and that they were informed they would all be recycled after the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Wagner said the bed in question was recycled the day after he and his teammates managed to collapse it, adding: “We actually enjoy sleeping on these beds, and think they are a great and sustainable option for future Olympics.”

A trend of testing the beds’ sturdiness began when it was claimed the eco-friendly materials and clunky appearance were meant to deter intimacy among Olympic athletes, and were promptly dubbed ‘anti-sex beds’ on social networks.

Israeli baseball players breaking Olympic bed while filming a TikTok video posted by Ben Wagner a baseball player on the Israeli Olympics team. (Newsflash)

A number of athletes have shared videos on social media of them jumping on the cardboard beds.

The Israeli Olympic Committee said in a statement that they summoned team manager Peter Kurz for a meeting after the video went viral.

Kurz admitted that “the players committed a childish prank”.

The committee added that such behaviour will not be tolerated and that the message was clearly “conveyed to the players”.