Story By: Amanda Morales, Sub-Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Central European News
This poor newborn baby has been found abandoned on a city street in Mexico after residents heard its persistent cries.
The newborn was found in the area of Jardines de Cadereyta in the city of Cadereyta Jimenez in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon at around 8pm on Sunday 12th July.
Local residents heard the baby’s incessant cries and alerted the authorities who arrived on the scene and found several bystanders already taking care of it due to its crying.
Paramedics checked the vital signs of the newborn, who still had part of the umbilical cord attached, and wrapped it in a blanket to keep warm.
Despite the baby’s tender age, and the hot temperatures outside, the newborn was found to be in good health.
The municipal police launched an investigation and started interviewing residents where the baby was found.
According to the local newspaper Milenio, several residents stated that no women in the area have been pregnant recently.
The authorities are continuing to track down the baby’s relatives and establish the reasons for its apparent abandonment.
The investigation is ongoing.
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