This is the moment a frightened woman grabs an attacking goose by its neck and swings it around before throwing it back in the courtyard in panic.
The incident was filmed at a home in the city of Bozhou in the Chinese province of Anhui on 4th November.
According to the news site Sina, the woman visited her neighbour for a chat and thought that she was going to be bitten by the aggressive goose on her way out.

In the footage, the woman is seen heading for the gated entrance as several birds wander around the courtyard.
The goose lowers its head and honks at the woman and she stops short, apparently nervous of the aggressive waterfowl.
As she takes a step towards the gate, the goose lifts its wings and heads straight for her, about to attack.

Backpedalling and screaming, she instinctively tries to grab the advancing bird’s neck, seizing it on the second attempt.
Apparently unsure what to do next, the woman spins the goose around and throws it back into the courtyard where it gets to its feet and walks out of shot.
Meanwhile, the owner laughs and goes to check on her spooked neighbour as the goose reappears and seemingly considers a second attack before being shooed away.