Moment Fat Porker In Back Of Lorry Learns Hard Way That Pigs Cant Fly

This is the moment a fat porker leaps out of the back of a lorry and learns the hard way that pigs can not fly.

The incident was filmed on a road in the city of Braila in the Romanian county of the same name, and the footage has been viewed nearly 300,000 times on TikTok.

According to local reports, the pig was being transported in a lorry when it made a last ditch effort for freedom, and jumped out of the back.

Pig falling from a truck in Braila, Romania. (@celutumanolescu/CEN)

However, the animal landed hard on the tarmac and despite being avoided by the filming motorist, who managed to stop the vehicle in time, it was left lying on the tarmac shocked from the fall.

In the video, a passenger in the car behind the lorry films the moment the pig initially peers out of a narrow gap in the back covering.

After plucking up the courage, the animal takes a leap into the unknown in the last bid for freedom, but lands hard on the tarmac and rolls over several times due to the momentum of the vehicle.

Pig falling from a truck in Braila, Romania. (@celutumanolescu/CEN)

The chubby animal comes to a stop in the road and remains motionless, with the lorry driver reportedly stopping and loading it back onto the vehicle.

It is unclear what happened to the animal after the filmed tumble in the road.