This is the moment a brave woman fights off a pack of at least eight stray dogs with nothing more than her handbag.
The incident took place in the city of Yakutsk, which is located in the republic of Sakha in far-eastern Russia.
The footage shows the woman, who has not been named, fighting off at least eight stray dogs by swinging her handbag wildly around her as they try to pull her over.

The woman can be seen still swinging her handbag at the dogs as the footage ends, and it is believed that she successfully escaped from the animals.
The press service for the District Administration of Yakutsk said that a team of animal catchers has been working in the area of the attack since this morning (30th November) in a bid to capture the dogs after they were made aware of the images yesterday evening.
Spokeswoman Ekaterina Bezruchenko confirmed in a press statement that a team had been sent to catch the animals and added: “At this time, it is not clear whether these dogs were previously released from an overfull facility or from somewhere else. This will become clear after they have been rounded up.”

The Yakutsk public prosecutor’s office has also opened an investigation into the attack.
The woman is not thought to have been seriously injured in the incident, although there has been no information regarding her identity and her current health status.