Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash
This is the moment a man is stabbed several times after reportedly sticking up for his girlfriend as the knifeman harassed her.
The incident, filmed by an onlooker in the western Russian capital Moscow, shows the suspect appearing to jab the young man in his side several times as they brawl on the pavement.
The victim then shows his blood-soaked T-shirt before a police car rolls up and arrests the suspect.
The next scene shows the suspect being quizzed by the cops and one off-camera officer asks: “Who do you live with?”
The man replies: “With my wife and daughter.”
The cop continues: “Have you even been convicted before, and if so for what?”
He answers: “Yes, but it was over 40 years ago. It was for robbery and murder and I was sent to prison as a teenager.”
According to local media, the police arrived on the scene several minutes after the stabbing incident took place and arrested the suspect.
The unnamed man reportedly harassed the victim’s girlfriend as they entered their apartment building. The victim was allegedly knifed when he stood up for his partner.
Reports said that the man refused to recognise his guilt at the police station.
The local authorities have confirmed that they have opened an investigation and reports said the suspect could face up to 10 years behind bars.
The alleged knifeman is currently being held in a pre-trial detention centre.
The victim is receiving hospital treatment for injuries and there have been no further reports on his condition.
The investigation is ongoing.
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