This is the horrific moment a man repeatedly stabs another man he had seen talking to his wife before leaving him lying in a pool of blood with a knife wedged in his head.
Store manager Leandro Alves de Teles, 38, was killed in the brutal attack that took place in the town of Campo Novo do Parecis in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso at around midday on Saturday, 16th October.
According to the news outlet MS Noticias, the suspect saw the victim chatting to his wife in the centre of town and the two men started to argue, with the husband suspecting the victim of having an affair with his partner.

The suspect then reportedly drew the knife seen in the footage and started to chase him.
CCTV footage shows how the victim unsuccessfully tries to enter a store before collapsing to the pavement injured after having apparently already been stabbed off-camera.
The suspect is then seen stabbing the victim numerous times in the chest, neck and head as he lies on the ground unable to muster the strength to fight off his attacker.

Cops arrested the alleged perpetrator, named as Cicero de Brito Silva, at the scene of the crime and he confessed to killing the man, telling the officers he caught him with his wife.
He told the cops the victim had attacked him first, prompting him to grab the knife, which he left stuck in the victim’s head following the attack.
The police have not yet confirmed the motive for the crime nor have they reported whether the suspect remains in preventive custody as the investigation continues.