Story By: Scott Feng, Sub-Editor: Jamie King, Agency: Asia Wire Report
Video Credit: AsiaWire
This is the moment a three-wheeled lorry running a red light crashes into the side of a car and flips it over before parking right on top of it.
The bizarre accident happened in the county of Shuyang in China’s eastern Jiangsu Province, where the three-wheeled delivery lorry is seen ignoring traffic signals and darting into a busy junction.
In the footage, the blue lorry narrowly avoids a female pedestrian as well as a small pedicab before slamming into the side of the white saloon.
But the driver does not stop in time and the white car is flipped onto its side, with the lorry then driven on top of the smaller car and parked there as the crash comes to an end.
Images of the aftermath show the two vehicles left in the awkward position as witnesses and authorities arrive to investigate.
Picture Credits: AsiaWire
The police say both drivers were able to climb out of their vehicles and neither suffered any serious injuries.
The lorry driver has been found fully liable for the crash, having run a red light just prior to the collision, and will be fined 200 RMB (23 GBP) and given six demerit points.
The authorities did not say whether he would be ordered to pay for any damage done to the saloon car.