Story By: Buli Liang, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report
Video Credit: AsiaWire
This is the moment a lighter explodes in a pot of boiling soup catapulting the scalding liquid into the eyes and onto the clothes of five pals in a restaurant.
The startling incident occurred in Harbin City in China’s Heilongjiang Province when Ms Sun Li was enjoying a dinner with friends at the Laofoye Frog Hot Pot restaurant.
The waiter brought them a hotpot and the five friends were waiting for the boiling broth to cook their frog meat.
In the video, the friends can be seen sitting around the table when the hotpot suddenly explodes, sending boiling soup over the diners.
At least of the men appears to have the liquid, a mixture of hot soup and oil, in his eyes and images show how the red liquid covered their clothes.
Li and her friends took photos of the hotpot after the incident and found the cause of an explosion was a lighter.
She told local media: Sun said: “It was only two minutes after the hot pot was brought to the table. We were playing on our mobile phones and no one noticed the danger. And suddenly the explosion occurred but we had no time to avoid it.
Picture Credit: AsiaWire
“My friends and I are hurt on eyes and bodies. I couldn’t even open my eyes when I was in the hospital. The doctor told me my eyes will feel uncomfortable for the next two weeks.”
The manager of the restaurant, Ms Wang, said: “It’s impossible that the lighter is from our staff because the hot pot needs five minutes cooking before we bring to the guests’ table. If there had been a lighter in the hot pot, it would have exploded in the kitchen earlier.”
Wang said they are negotiating compensation with Ms Sun and her friends and an investigation is still ongoing.
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