An evil mum allegedly smashed her daughter’s head against a wall and then suffocated her because she did not want to share custody with the toddler’s father.

Cruel Mila Cristina de Oliveira Bolquett was seized on suspicion of killing 23-month-old Anna Lya Vieira dos Santos in Rio de Janeiro on 15th January.
Family and friends told police how the mother did not want her daughter to have any contact with the father.
Hours before the killing, there is believed to have been a fight between Anna’s parents after the father went to Bolquett’s home to collect her.
After killing the toddler, the mother is believed to have tried to take her own life.
Chillingly, the autopsy report gave Anna’s cause of death as head trauma and suffocation.

Bolquett was arrested on the morning of 16th January and is now in hospital under police guard.
Health officials say her condition is serious.
Eyewitness Debora Castellar da Silva told local media: “During the afternoon, there was an uproar because she didn’t want the child to spend the afternoon with her father.
“Someone intervened and said that she should let him go and such.
“At night, the child returned asleep and when she went to grab Anna, she pulled so hard that the girl hit her head against the wall.
“Then she went into the home with the child.
“Hours later he texted a neighbour and he went into the house.
“When he went in, the girl was wrapped in a blanket and was all purple, already dead.
“Mila had written a letter, which was next to the baby’s body.”
“What she did was monstrous. She always said that if her father got custody of the baby, she would kill herself and the child.
“This week, the Courts of Rio had scheduled a hearing to deal with custody of the girl.”
Bolquett was reportedly taken to hospital after she ingested poison.

Police said she confessed to the crime in the note found next to the toddler’s body.