Jeweller Scares Gun-Toting Crooks With Tape Dispenser

Story BySibel AbdiuSub Editor: Conor Sheils, AgencyAsia Wire Report

Video Credit: AsiaWire

This is the moment a brave jeweller sends a gang of gun-toting robbers fleeing from his shop using just a sticky tape dispenser.

It is the fourth time that the fearless jewellery shop owner, known as Murat A., has sent thieves fleeing empty handed from his store.

The latest incident was caught on the CCTV security cameras of the shop in the city of Bursa in Turkey’s Marmara Region.

Pictures Credit: AsiaWire

The footage shows two people, both dressed in traditional face-coverings, approaching the shop before one goes inside, points a rifle at the man behind the counter and demands cash and gold.

Because they were not caught, it was not revealed whether the robbers were male or female, but from the video it appears that they were men in traditional women’s clothing.

Within seconds, the shop owner picks up a sticky tape dispenser from the counter and throws it at one of the armed gang.

Shocked, the would-be thief almost falls over before running out of the shop with their accomplice and fleeing in a nearby getaway car.

Police have launched an investigation and say they have managed to identify the getaway car after studying the footage from 40 CCTV cameras in the area.

They hope the information will lead them to the pair responsible for the raid.