A mutant goat with six legs, two backs, and two tails has been born in Malaysia.

The uncanny creature came into the world in Kampung Relau, Pekan Asahan, Malacca, on Tuesday, 20th December.
Owner Raihan Ismail, 52, told local media that he and his family had reacted in shock at the physical appearance of the kid when it was born.
He said it was the first time he had ever seen anything like it during his 15 years breeding goats for a living.
The mutant kid has since become something of a local attraction among residents of Kampung Relau, media in Malaysia are reporting.
Eerie snaps show how it was born with two front legs but four hind legs.

Raihan told local media on Tuesday, 27th December: “I noticed his peculiarity when I wanted to move him from the cage.
“His 10-year-old mother has given birth many times, but this is the first time her child has six legs, two backs, and tails.
“Before this, he could stand up just like any other animal, but ever since this morning, his legs seem weak, so I have to help him every time he wants to breastfeed with his mother.”
The goat breeder added: “Some of my friends also helped me buy formula milk, and we feed the kid using bottles, and so far, the response has been good.”

Raihan said he was open to selling the kid – along with its mother, given its young age – to any interested buyer.