Story By: Anna Casap, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit: CEN/@odessamedia
This is the moment security staff step in when a bunch of women decide to do a saucy photoshoot including using smoke grenades outside the town hall.
The incident occurred opposite the building of the Odessa town hall in the city of Odessa, which is located on the north-western shore of the Black Sea.
The girls included several who appeared to be responsible for make-up and lighting and assisting the photographer as well as one dressed in an erotic outfit.
Pictures Credit: CEN/@odessamedia
The security staff who were guarding the property initially did nothing but when the smoke flares were introduced and the girls refused to move on, they called in police who ordered the photo shoot to stop.
The girls were informed by the guards that there was no official objection to them using the backdrop of the building for a photo shoot but that it should not be done after 8am in the morning.
However, the girls ignored the requests, so the city hall employees had to call the police and only then did the smiling girls leave.
Deputy Mayor Andrey Kotlyar said that no force was used against the girls.
He added: “Employees of the ‘Municipal Guard’ politely asked the girls to change the location of the shooting or failing that to stop when it got to 8 a.m.
“They approached them 3 times, but they did not take any notice and instead simply got closer to the Pushkin monument. After the police were called to the place, the participants in the photo shoot gathered their things and left.”
It is unclear what prompted the women to do the photoshoot in the first place.
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