This is the moment a hot air balloon falls between several buildings in a busy city centre and bursts into a huge fireball.
The incident was filmed in the city of Curitiba in the southern Brazilian state of Parana on 5th September.
The balloon was spotted over several areas in the city before eventually falling between buildings on Desembargador Westphalen Street.

According to the news site G1, the balloon fell between a restaurant and a shop in the city centre and burst into flames.
Local residents on the scene tried to extinguish the flames to prevent the blaze from getting worse before firefighters arrived.
The local fire brigade brought the blaze under control shortly afterwards, with no injuries reported in the incident.

The police said the fire damaged the roof of one of the buildings while the remains of the balloon itself were sent to the police station as part of the ongoing investigation.
According to a 1998 law, manufacturing, selling, transporting and releasing hot air balloons without a permit is a crime with a prison sentence of between one and three years and/or a fine.
The materials can cause forest fires or building blazes in urban areas.

It is unclear if the police have yet identified the owner of the balloon.