A hero dad who threw himself into the path of a moving snowplough heading for his two daughters is recovering in hospital after losing both his legs.

Quick-thinking Dave Miln saw the vehicle heading straight for daughters Isla, three, and one-year-old Anna after lessons at a California ski resort.
So, without hesitating, he hurled himself in front of the girls and was sucked into the machinery himself.
Dave – an Australian Defence Force veteran – lost his left leg above the knee and his right leg above the ankle.
Anna survived unscathed and although Isla broke both legs, she is expected to make a full recovery.
The family – Dave, wife Clare and their daughters – had been living in San Diego, California, USA but have now returned home to Australia.
Isla had been quickly transported to hospital after the horror accident at Mammoth Mountain resort last month (December).

But Dave was more seriously injured was stuck in the machine until rescuers could free him and rush him to hospital.
He was reportedly conscious the whole time.
A GoFundMe page has now been started to try and raise USD 100,000 to help Dave.
As well as losing both legs, he broke both femurs, his pelvis, a number of his lower vertebrae, a sacral vertebra and finally three ribs.
According to the GoFundMe page, he underwent “10 different surgeries in three weeks and still has many more surgeries expected”.
It continued: “Many will be happy to know Dave still maintains his dark sense of humor and razor-sharp wit! Isla has suffered breaks in both of her legs and her pelvis, as well as other wounds, and had 3 surgeries and may require more. She is expected to make a full physical recovery (though a long process for an active toddler).

“Dave has been medically transferred to Sydney, Australia but is still admitted in hospital. Clare, Isla and Anna are now back in Sydney where Isla is attending medical appointments several times a week. Together they will begin the long rehabilitation process both physically and mentally.
“This life changing incident means the Milns’ ‘California Dream’ has come to an early end. During this time Clare and Dave have shown strength and resilience beyond comprehension. The family has banded together with positive determination for the future. Many of us have been shaken by this news and searching for a way to support the Milns during this unthinkable time.”
Page organisers said medical costs are all covered but added: “There are many financial costs (some still unknown) involved for the Miln family to re-establish themselves in Sydney and for all the necessities Dave and the family will now need.

“These may include things like vehicle modifications for Dave, household equipment and modification and other bits and pieces that Dave will need in adapting to his disability.”