Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
A 12-year old girl has died of carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty fireplace after the ambulance crew who rushed her younger brother to hospital refused to take her as well.
The incident took place in the commune of Barbateshti located in the central Romanian county of Valcea after carbon monoxide from a faulty fireplace leaked into the children’s bedroom.
Reports said that the victim’s 10-year-old brother Bita Tarcala was the first to show apparent symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning when he began to vomit and feel poorly.
His sister, Ionela Tarcala, woke her parents up and they called an ambulance for the sick boy.
Reports said that Ionela then began to feel the onset of a bad headache.
According to local media, paramedics on the scene were unable to detect what was wrong with the boy and did not make a connection between his condition and his sister’s worsening headache.
The boy was hospitalised while Ionela stayed at home.
The following morning, her parents found her unconscious in bed when they went to wake her up for school.
Ionela’s dad alerted the neighbours and despite the best efforts of commune members and ambulance staff, nothing could be done to save the 12-year-old girl’s life.
The autopsy showed that Ionela died of carbon monoxide poisoning, according to local media.
Family members and the commune head believe that Ionela would be alive today if the ambulance had taken her to hospital with her brother.
Head of Barbateshti commune Constantin Banacu said: “She was a very good, beautiful and hardworking girl. What hurts me the most is that the doctors could not diagnose what was wrong with the boy. If so, Ionela could be here with us now.”
It is unclear whether the local authorities are investigating the matter and whether the girl’s parents have filed a complaint. The hospital has also not commented so far. It is also currently unclear if the ambulance personnel face any disciplinary procedure or criminal charges.
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