This young girl has ended up in intensive care in a serious condition after she was crushed under a concrete slab that came loose from a wall at an open-air Children’s Day party.
The incident took place in the neighbourhood of Coque in the city of Recife in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco at around 1 pm on Saturday, 16th October, which is Children’s Day in Brazil.
Kemilly Kethelyn Lino da Silva, aged 8, was crushed under the slab that came loose from the wall backing onto a line of the Recife Metro.

She was taken to the paediatric ICU of Hospital Restauracao in the neighbourhood of Derby where she underwent surgery.
She suffered fractures to her skull, spine, feet and pelvis. At the time of reporting, she was in a serious but stable condition and was intubated but reacting to stimuli.
The incident occurred when Kemilly was taking part in a Children’s Day celebration held by the NGO ‘Mao Amiga’ on Avenida Central (Central Avenue).

The youngster was standing on the pavement when the slab fell on her, and other children who were having lunch with her narrowly avoided injury.
The Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos (Brazilian Urban Train Company) [CBTU] is responsible for the wall, which is reportedly in a bad state and crumbling in several places.
Mao Amiga (Friendly Hand) currently provides assistance to 120 socially vulnerable families. Kemilly and her family live in Coque, which has the worst Human Development Index in all of Recife.

Nurse Jonata Bruno of the NGO said of the girl’s latest condition: “She’s still in the ICU, but she replies when spoken to. She can’t open her eyes and she will need surgery on her jaw.”
CBTU employees were seen inspecting the wall on the morning of Sunday, 17th October. The government of Pernambuco filed a criminal case against the company on the following day, according to reports.
The government hopes those responsible will be charged with the crime of ‘serious bodily injury’.

The police are investigating the case.