Funeral Home Mixes Up Body Bags And Has To Swap Them At Last Minute To Prevent Wrong Person From Being Buried

This is the moment grieving family members discover that an elderly man has been placed in a coffin in place of their woman relative, and they have to take it out and swap the body when the undertaker brings the correct body bag just in time.

The elderly woman had died of COVID-19 and, as per local health protocols, was buried in a body bag to prevent the infection from spreading.

But that had apparently caused problems for the undertakers, who had been unable to open the bag to check they had the right person – and instead had sent the wrong body.

A family had to swap the body at a funeral of a woman that died from complications of Covid-19, after they realised that they were given the wrong body by the morgue, in Hincesti, Moldova, on 24th September. (CEN)

The incident happened in the Moldovan city of Hincesti when the family received the ornate coffin together with items of personal effects.

But they became suspicious when they looked at the personal effects and discovered they included men’s clothing, prompting them to contact the funeral home in a panic.

In the video, an older woman who apparently works at the local morgue can be seen assuring them that it is the correct person.

A family had to swap the body at a funeral of a woman that died from complications of Covid-19, after they realised that they were given the wrong body by the morgue, in Hincesti, Moldova, on 24th September. (CEN)

However, they decide to check and open the body bag anyway, and are shocked to discover that there is a man inside.

As the funeral service was taking place at the time, and terrified that their relative would end up being buried or even worse cremated somewhere else, the funeral home was contacted and this time sent over the right body just in time.

After checking that the switch of the bodies in the coffin had been carried out correctly, the burial service then went ahead without mishap.