Female Elephant Enjoys Mud Bath

This is the moment a female elephant takes some time for herself by rolling around in the mud in a homemade beauty spa.

The sight of the elephant enjoying herself in a mud bath was captured on video at Taronga Zoo, located in the suburb of Mosman, in the state of New South Wales, Australia.

According to the video, the elephant is seen happily swaying in the mud bath in the sun while being splashed with water.


Rolling around in the mud is more than just fun for elephants. Mud baths serve a critical purpose for elephants.

Swaying in mud not only cools them down but provides a protective layer to shield their body from the sun’s rays and also protect them from insect bites.

Taronga Zoo Sydney posted this video on the Facebook platform with the message: “Humans aren’t the only ones in the animal kingdom that enjoy being a little kid from time to time”


Jennifer Steed, Taronga Media and Communications Officer told Clipzilla: “As this elephant was a rescue elephant we aren’t 100 percent on her age.

“She is a female elephant and this is a mud bath, our elephants in our care love their mud baths.”

Elephants are the largest existing terrestrial animals.

They are widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia and are found in different habitats, including savannahs, forests, deserts, and marshes.

Elephants are herbivorous, they feed a lot, spending most of their time eating.

Elephants can live up to 70 years. Females named also cows, tend to live in family groups while male offspring leave the herd when they reach 8–10 years.