Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency:Central European News

This Argentinian priest has carried out an exorcism to expel the “filthy coronavirus pandemic” from the country and to ensure the global pandemic leaves local residents “in peace and tranquillity”.
Priest Eduardo Tanger of the Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral in the city of Parana in the province of Entre Rios in north-eastern Argentina reportedly carried out an exorcism during a religious ceremony recently.
The pictures show the moment the priest carried out the exorcism in front of the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary which was placed in front of the cathedral’s front door during a ceremony to commemorate the 207th anniversary of the city’s foundation.

Tanger said, addressing God: “So that after being expelled by your power it (the coronavirus) does no harm to anybody and leaves our fields, towns, cities and homes in peace and tranquillity.
“I expel you, filthy coronavirus pandemic, through the omnipotent God the Father, through Jesus Christ, his only child, and through the Holy Spirit that comes from both of them, so you leave our fields, towns, and homes quickly and you do not stay in them any longer but go to a place where you cannot harm anybody.”
Reports state that 218 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the province of Entre Rios.
According to the latest data from the Johns Hopkins University, there have been 64,530 cases of COVID-19 in Argentina and 1,307 related deaths.