Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
These images show how a former Russian MP for the Communist Party was left horrifically injured after being beaten with an iron pipe allegedly for criticising a current Communist governor.
Former Deputy in the Duma Sergey Uglyanits was brutally beaten with an iron pipe near his home in the town of Usolye-Sibirskoye in south-eastern Russia’s Irkutsk Oblast region.
Uglyanits reportedly believes that two men that attacked him were sent to him by local governor Sergei Levchenko, 66, after he criticised the governor’s policies in public.
The victim was left with a fractured nose, damaged eye sockets and a potential brain injury as a result of the attack.
Images show his face brutally swollen from the attack.
The attack came shortly after Uglyanits questioned the reforms of Governor Sergei Levchenko, who is a member of the Communist Party and has been the governor of the Irkutsk Oblast since 2015.
The victim reportedly questioned Lenchenko’s reforms for rubbish collection which have increased the price of rubbish transportation in the area.
Journalist Galina Solonina commented on the incident: “I would suspect that the incident was related to his latest speech at the Club of Public Policy, where he criticised governor Sergei Levchenko. Tensions are rising in the Irkutsk region.”
One of the local newspapers that published some of Uglyanit’s comments on current regional policy was reportedly investigated by local authorities for spreading extremism.
Uglyanits left the communist party after his friend and fellow party member Mikhail Golovenchets committed suicide. In his death note he stressed that he was disappointed with the governor’s work.
It is unclear if any arrests have been made in the incident.
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