Drunk Oktoberfest Goers Fight With Escalator

Story By: Kathryn Quinn, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News

Video Credit: CEN/ …mei Maß

This is the moment a drunken Oktoberfest visitor in Lederhosen repeatedly tries to go the wrong way up an escalator.

The man, who had presumably had a beer too many, was filmed trying to climb an escalator which was going down as he tried to go up.

Picture Credit: CEN/ …mei Maß

The man who was not identified was filmed by an amused fellow passenger at the underground station in the Bavarian capital of Munich in Germany, where the world-famous beer festival takes place every year.

The filmer said: “I offered to help, but all offers to help where turned down in a friendly manner, we couldn’t force him to stop.”

On the video seen 3.2 million times and shared 25,000 times the passer-by can be heard giving words of encouragement such as : “Come on, You’re nearly there.”

Facebook users were also impressed by the video. One said: “Its a good way to sober up after a day at Oktoberfest.”

Another commented: “I hope he is wearing a step counter.”

And a third wrote: “I tried so hard, but got not far. In the end, it doesn’t even matter…”

Questioned whether the video was real Mei Mass, an advertising agency in Munich who published the video, said: “Yes, of course it is real. Nobody could pull that off without laughing too much,”

It is not known if he made the top.

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