A man accused of shooting his girlfriend dead with a crossbow while he was high on drugs has been warned he is facing life behind bars.

Ex-convict Joel Wagner, 59, hit 44-year-old victim Kori-Lee Moser in the torso with a single bolt at their home in the city of Battle Creek, in Calhoun County, Michigan State, USA, on Sunday, 2nd April.
She was rushed to hospital but died soon after, according to local media.
Wagner was charged with first-degree murder on Tuesday, 4th April, two days after the shooting.
The couple had been dating for two years.
Police say they are waiting for the results of forensic tests on whether drugs were involved in the killing.
Battle Creek Firefighters IAFF Local 335 said in a statement obtained by Newsflash: “There is no known motive for the crossbow shooting at this time.”
They added: “There is no current threat to the community, from this incident.”

At the arraignment hearing on 4th April, attorney magistrate Amber Straub told Wagner that he is facing a maximum penalty of life.
Straub said: “It has also indicated that you are a habitual offender, meaning that you have been previously convicted of three or more felonies or attempts to commit felonies.
“Therefore, if you were to be convicted in count one, your maximum possible penalty would in essence remain the same because it would be up to life.”
Wagner has pleaded not guilty but he was denied bail and is expected to be back in court on 17th April.
All of his past criminal cases have been resolved, his attorney said.