A loving boyfriend who devoted six years to nursing his girlfriend through the aftermath of horrific burns has touched hearts all over China.

The couple had been dating for just a month before a house fire left the girl covered in serious burns.
Now – six years after the blaze – the pair’s true love story has inspired social media.
The victim – named as Ms Tian in local media in Jiangxi Province, South-East China – suffered burns over more than 90 per cent of her body in a fire in March 2017.
According to Tian, the fire broke out while she was babysitting her uncle’s children.
After the blaze, her boyfriend – named Mr Yin in local media – devoted himself to her recovery even though they had been together for just a few weeks.
And incredibly, he spent the next six years unswervingly by her side.
Tian told local media that she was in and out of surgery at least 13 times and spent more than CNY 1 million (GBP 118,660) on medical bills.

She said that Yin went hundreds of thousands of yuan in debt to help her and her family pay the bills.
Footage shared on Douyin – China’s version of TikTok – shows Yin helping Tian dress, giving her massages and helping her apply skin-soothing medication.
He even helps her celebrate the day of her rebirth after doctors informed her she had only had a 10 per cent chance of survival.
One video shows Yin putting a tiara on his girlfriend’s head and giving her a cake, in what she says is one of the two birthday celebrations he gives her every year.
Tian says she is infinitely thankful to him for never giving up on her.
Netizens applauded his selflessness and loving ways, telling Tian she has been blessed with an angel.
Douyin user ‘6226583936962’ said in a comment: “This here is true love, and all good men should learn from it.”

And user ‘Wenwen Treasure House’ said: “I’m so touched that you are not relatives but are already flesh and blood, making me believe that love is very powerful.”