Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash
This is the shocking moment a young mum repeatedly whacks her two screaming daughters with a wooden club and pulls their hair as a neighbour films.
The incident took place in the municipality of Banderilla in the eastern Mexican state of Veracruz when the mum, identified as Ruth Janeth G.J., beat her daughters in the garden of their home.
In the footage, secretly filmed by a neighbour, the young mum is seen using what appears to be a makeshift club to beat the sobbing girls on different parts of their bodies.

At one point, the mother is seen yanking their hair before continuing the ‘punishment’ with the stick as the girls scream “please, no”.
According to local media, prosecutors have launched an investigation into the incident to establish whether the mother should be charged with child abuse.
It is currently unclear whether she has been questioned yet.
Local media said that Ruth Janeth G.J. was suspended from her role as a civil servant with the Municipal Water Supply Committee earlier this month for unspecified reasons.
Meanwhile, social services have reportedly handed the children over to a relative as the probe continues.
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