Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
A son has been left heartbroken after he left his beloved pet fish with his parents only for his father to kill it and fry it up for lunch.
The bizarre incident occurred in the Sukoharjo recency in the southern Indonesian province of Central Java where fish owner Bayu left his beloved pet arowana with his parents as he went to work in the city of Cikarang.
However, he later received photos from his brother showing that his dad had killed the fish and fried it up for lunch.
Bayu says he had bought the fish at Jatinegara market in East Jakarta for 800,000 IDR (45 GBP) over two years ago.
The fish had grown in size and Bayu says it was probably worth around 2 million IDR (112 GBP) when he took it to his parents’ house for them to look after.
He says that his “lazy” father did not take proper care of the fish, feeding the fish lizards despite it usually feeding on centipedes and crickets.
He added: “During its time there, my fish wasn’t taken care of until it got cross-eyed. I had its eyes operated on, thank God it got healthy again. Then I got the news that my father fried the fish.”
Photos show the fish fried up, served with rice and vegetables, with only the father reportedly eating the pet.
The proud fish owner says he feels “like throwing up” when he thinks of his father eating his pet, but says he has now “let it go”.
Keeping prized pet fish is a popular hobby in Indonesia.
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