This dramatic footage shows a court building in Italy being razed to the ground by a burning, raging blaze.
Firefighters from seven brigade teams struggled all night long to put the fiery fury under control in the municipality of Erba, northern Italy.
Newsflash obtained the footage from the Vigili del Fuoco, along with a short statement that said: “Seven fire brigade teams have been at work since 2:30 tonight [Thur] in Erba for the fire of an uninhabited courtyard building.

“After hours of intervention, the flames are currently under control and the extinguishing operations of the residual outbreaks in progress have begun.”
The building appears to have been completely destroyed, as violent flames burn through the windows and ravage it from the inside.
Firefighters fought long and hard to battle the orange fiery columns that lit up the night sky, before breaking dawn with the slow taming of the inferno.
No injuries have been reported as the court building was luckily uninhabited.