Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit: CEN/@PoliciaBogota
This is the moment two policemen help a woman give birth while they receive instructions on the phone from the emergency services.
The unexpected birth took place in the municipality of Chapinero in the north of the Colombian capital of Bogota in the Capital District in the centre of Colombia.
According to local media, cops Eddier Bermudez Tarazona and Jordan Matamoros went to the mother’s house after she called the local emergency line 123.
The woman reportedly told the cops that she was feeling a strong pain and the policemen placed a mattress on the floor for the woman to rest as she went into labour.
The mother is from Venezuela but her name is unknown.
The local police in Bogota wrote on their Twitter account: “Cops Eddier and Jordan were guided by the emergency service line 123 to save the life of this newborn baby.”
The footage shows one of the cops with the newborn baby in his arms while the mother is still lying on the mattress on the floor.
A policeman who is on the phone is heard saying: “How do I cut the umbilical cord?”
Reports said that the woman and the baby were taken to a nearby hospital by the police as the ambulance that they had called never arrived.
Both the mother and the baby are in a healthy condition.
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