Story By: James King, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash
The German police say that a one-eyed Russian man was one of the two armed robbers shot dead by an elderly jeweller when they attacked his wife.
The Russian robber, identified as 40-year-old Vladimir T., had rung the bell to gain access to the jewellers, and because he was pushing his accomplice in a wheelchair, the elderly couple inside the shop had not been suspicious.
However, as soon as they got through the door, the German man in the wheelchair identified as Eduard H, 35, leapt up and started the robbery.

After naming the two dead robbers, police also confirmed that they had now arrested the dead German man’s brother, identified as Alexej H, 37, who they say was the getaway driver who had been waiting outside when the shots started flying.
The two suspects had allegedly grabbed the man’s wife when he blasted them with a revolver during the robbery at the family jewellers in Celle in the German state of Lower Saxony on 14th September.
The jeweller and his wife, Bernd and Karin Heinrichs, 72 and 71 respectively, told Bild that the two men rang the doorbell while the couple were watching TV in the back room.

Karin said: “I saw two men on the monitor, one was in a wheelchair. I was completely unsuspecting. I thought: ‘What could happen?”
As Karin, who has a serious heart condition, let the men in and went behind the counter to serve them, the man in the wheelchair jumped up and attacked her.
She said: “He shoved me down and hit me. The other one darted around the counter. I screamed for my husband.”

Welling up, she added: “He choked me until I started to black out.”
As she was passing out she heard a big bang.
Bernd had come into the salesroom and shot the attacker in the head with his .38 revolver.

The second robber swung around and aimed a weapon at him, but Bernd shot him before he could fire.
Karin said she looked at her husband and told him: “You saved my life”.
However, despite the claim, the prosecutors are currently investigating the couple for two counts of manslaughter.

Their defence lawyer, Bjoern Nordmann, is arguing that they should avoid punishment because they acted in self-defence.
The new arrest has seen the dead German man’s brother accused of being the getaway driver and he was allegedly outside the jewellery shop when his brother and accomplice were shot by the elderly jeweller.
The investigation continues.
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