Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash
This is the shocking moment a motorist on cocaine smashes into a lorry before ploughing head-on into a taxi, killing the driver and leading to him being sentenced to eight years in prison by the Nottingham Crown Court.
The incident was filmed in the city of Nottingham in central England’s Midlands region on the morning of 4th July.
The footage was shared on Facebook by the Nottinghamshire Police where it has been viewed over 130,000 times.
The police said: “Footage of the moment a family’s lives were ‘changed forever’ by a fatal collision has been released in a bid to warn motorists of the devastation drug-driving can cause.”

Aiden King-Eeson from Birmingham had been partying and taking cocaine before going on a driving rampage and colliding head-on and killing a taxi driver.
The victim was on his way home to celebrate his son’s birthday.
King-Eeson, originally from Zimbabwe, also faces possible deportation at the end of his prison sentence.
He drove at over double the speed limit, ignored red lights, and drove on the wrong side of the road before the tragic collision.
The 25-year-old had travelled to Hucknall for a house party on 3rd July and at around 9am the following morning, he took a BMW car without permission and drove it into the city where he was caught on CCTV travelling at 61mph in a 30 zone.

The Nottinghamshire Police said: “He then went on to Valley Road at 53mph (40 zone) before driving through Sherwood, where he ignored a red traffic light.
“He continued along Mansfield Road and had a minor collision with a lorry near to the Goose Fair roundabout before driving through two more red traffic lights along Gregory Boulevard.
“King-Eeson then drove to overtake a car in front of him near the junction with Birkin Avenue and was driving on the wrong side of the road at around 74mph in a 30 zone when he collided head-on with Gurmit Singh Matharu’s taxi who was on his way home to celebrate his son’s birthday.”
The police added: “Tragically the 54-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene.”
The suspect was arrested after officers sighted the car speeding past Djanology College.

The police said: “He was tested for drink and drugs and was found to have cocaine in his system but below the legal driving limit.
“He pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving, aggravated vehicle taking and driving without insurance and a license.”
He was sentenced to eight years in prison at Nottingham Crown Court on 25th September.
King-Eeson was also banned from driving for three years once released from custody with extended retest requirement.

The victim’s family were left devastated by their loss and his daughter Sandeep Matharu said in a statement: “4th July 2020 should have been a day of celebration for my family, it was my brother’s birthday and my nephew had turned six months old.
“Instead our lives were changed forever as my dad was killed in this collision.
“Since arriving in the UK in 1996, dad worked hard to provide his family with a better life, making many personal sacrifices to ensure his family did not miss out.
“At the time of the crash my dad was on his way home from work but he never made it. He fell victim to King-Eeson, whose selfish and reckless actions gave dad no chance of survival.
“Dad died on the side of the street, with no family with him, which is something that haunt us all forever. We lost the pillar of our family that day.”

Detective Sergeant Adam Cooper said: “It is my belief that he had been up all night having taken cocaine most of which had left his system by the time he was tested.
“I hope that this tragic incident sends the strong message out of the devastation caused by those who choose to drug or drink-drive and those who act so selfishly and recklessly on our roads.
Cooper added: “Thankfully incidents like this are rare in Nottinghamshire and we will remain vigilant against them.”
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