CHERRY STONED: Greedy Woman Blocks Rectum After Eating 5 Pounds Of Cherries Without Spitting The Seeds

A greedy woman who ate 2.2 kilos (5 pounds) of cherries without spitting the seeds has undergone two surgeries after she blocked her digestive tract with cherry stones.

The woman, whose identity has not been revealed, went to hospital in the city of Chengdu in the Chinese province of Sichuan on 13th April.

Wang Xi, the hospital director, told local media that the female patient, who claimed to be a fruit seller, asked for help, saying: “Doctor, I ate some cherries and didn’t spit the seeds. I have had enema 6 times, but I still can’t pass it out. Also, I am bleeding.”

Woman blocks rectum with cherry seeds she did not spit in Chengdu, China. (Chengdu Anorectal Specialist Hospital/AsiaWire)

An enema is a procedure where injections of fluids are used in the rectum, in order to empty it or stimulate it.

According to reports, the woman ate the cherries and after feeling swelling and a pain in her rear, she went to hospital.

Dr Xi told local media that the CT examination showed that the rectum and part of the colon were full of seeds.

He was stunned to hear the woman had eaten five pounds of cherries (2.2 kilos) without spitting the seeds.

The doctors performed a surgery to remove the foreign objects from the rectum, and although they managed to remove hundreds of seeds, there were still left some in the intestine.

Woman blocks rectum with cherry seeds she did not spit in Chengdu, China. (Chengdu Anorectal Specialist Hospital/AsiaWire)

Dr Xi said: “Fortunately, the seeds were blocked in the anus. If they were blocked in the narrowed part of the intestine, they would have caused intestinal obstruction. In severe cases, they may even require surgery to open the abdomen.”

The doctors took the seeds left during a second surgery, performed on 14th April.

The patient is still under hospital observation and is feeling well.

Dr Xi warned that swallowing the pits can lead to risk of intestinal obstruction.

CT examination results of the patient: woman’s rectum and part of the colon are filled with cherry seeds in Chengdu, China. (Chengdu Anorectal Specialist Hospital/AsiaWire)

He pointed out that the human body cannot digest and absorb the swallowed fruit core, which will increase the burden of gastrointestinal digestion and could damage the gastrointestinal tract.

It can result with increased inflammation, intestinal obstruction, and intestinal perforation.