Read more about the article Man Sent Flying Across Tracks By Russias Fastest Train
Pic shows: Moment train smashes a pedestrian. This is the moment a pedestrian is sent flying through the air after walking in front of Russia's fastest train apparently oblivious to his surroundings.

Man Sent Flying Across Tracks By Russias Fastest Train CEN/@ru_chp This is the moment a pedestrian is sent flying through the air after walking in front of Russia's fastest train apparently oblivious to his surroundings. The incident took place near the Slavyanka railway station in the settlement of Petro-Slavyanka in the Kolpinsky District of the city of St.…

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Read more about the article Book-Reading Hospital Doc Tells Worried Woman To Go Away
Pic Shows: Doctor who refused treating a pacient; This is the moment a Russian hospital doctor appears reluctant to put down his book and eventually tells a woman concerned about her father’s treatment to “go away”.

Book-Reading Hospital Doc Tells Worried Woman To Go Away CEN/@kurgan This is the moment a Russian hospital doctor calmly reads a book despite having a waiting room full of patients and even tells a woman concerned about her father’s treatment to “go away”. The incident was filmed at a hospital in the city of Kurgan in the south-western…

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Read more about the article Coronavirus Prankster Faces 7yrs Behind Bars
Pic Shows: Pranker Karomat Dzhaborov; The prankster who faked a coronavirus attack in front of stunned tube commuters has seen his charged upgraded and he could now face up to seven years behind bars for the inappropriate stunt.

Coronavirus Prankster Faces 7yrs Behind Bars CEN/@plohie_novosti_18 The prankster who faked a coronavirus attack in front of stunned commuters has seen his charge upgraded and he could now face up to seven years behind bars for premeditated hooliganism. The incident took on the Moscow Metro in the western Russian capital Moscow between the Polezhaevskays and…

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Read more about the article Russia MoD Flaunts Upgraded Rocket Launcher In War Games
Pic shows: The rocket systems. This is the moment Russian ground forces showcase their upgraded BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher as they take part in war games in a remote region.

Russia MoD Flaunts Upgraded Rocket Launcher In War Games CEN/Russian Ministry of Defense This is the moment Russian ground forces showcase their upgraded BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher as they take part in war games in a remote region. The footage, filmed in the south-western Russian region of Kurgan Oblast, was shared on social media by the Ministry…

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Read more about the article Stalins G-Grandson Claims Dad Wants To Kill Him For Flat
Picture Credit: CEN/@selim_bensaad

Stalins G-Grandson Claims Dad Wants To Kill Him For Flat

Picture Credit: CEN/@selim_bensaad Joseph Stalin’s great-grandson claims he has been forced into hiding after his dad tried to kill him so he can have the expensive Moscow apartment they both live in. Selim Ben Saad Jr, 48, is the great-grandson of infamous Communist dictator Joseph Stalin, according to local media.…

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