Read more about the article Man Who Slaps Off Cops Hat For Joke Now Facing 15 Years
Pic Shows: Man is talking to police officer; This is the moment a suspected lockdown breaker slaps a cops hat off and the suspect has now been arrested on suspicion of having stabbed his friends just hours before hitting the officer.

Man Who Slaps Off Cops Hat For Joke Now Facing 15 Years

CEN/@trevogznie_novosti This is the moment a cop catches a man wanted for a stabbing when the suspect foolishly decides to taunt a police officer in a park and then slaps him – knocking off his hat. The incident took place in the open space in the Russian capital Moscow when…

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Read more about the article Wealthy Influencer Slammed For Accepting Lockdown Aid
Pic Shows: Marina with daughter; This wealthy Russian influencer and businesswomen has been slammed by netizens for accepting government aid packages to help struggling families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wealthy Influencer Slammed For Accepting Lockdown Aid

Newsflash/@maripulya This wealthy Russian influencer and businesswomen has been slammed by netizens for accepting government aid packages meant to help struggling families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Marina Trubitsyna from the city of Novosibirsk in the southern Russian region of Novosibirsk Oblast was criticised after sharing photos of the aid packages…

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Read more about the article X-Ray:Woman Swallows Toothbrush Trying To Dislodge Meat
Credit: CEN/

X-Ray:Woman Swallows Toothbrush Trying To Dislodge Meat

These x-ray images show a toothbrush lodged inside a young woman's stomach after she used it to try and dislodge a piece of meat stuck at the back of her throat and accidentally swallowed it. The unnamed 22-year-old woman was hospitalised in the western Russian capital Moscow after swallowing her…

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Read more about the article Russian Convert To Islam Ringleader Of ISIS Terror Cell
Pic Shows: Terrorists car; A Russian convert to Islam who worked as a taxi driver was one of the ringleaders of the three-man ISIS terrorist cell shot dead by Russian special forces yesterday.

Russian Convert To Islam Ringleader Of ISIS Terror Cell CEN/ A Russian convert to Islam who worked as a taxi driver was one of the ringleaders of the three-man ISIS terrorist cell shot dead by Russian special forces yesterday. All three were categorised as high-risk radical Muslims who are members of banned terror organisation ISIS. After they were…

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Read more about the article Footage Of 2 Russian Bombers That Caused UK Jet Scramble
Pic Shows: Fighter planes flying together over neutral space; This is the footage of the two nuclear-capable Russian Tu-160 bombers on their eight-hour mission over the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea and an 'area of UK interest' that caused British Typhoon fighters to scramble to intercept them.

Footage Of 2 Russian Bombers That Caused UK Jet Scramble Newsflash/Russian Defence Ministry This is the footage of the two nuclear-capable Russian Tu-160 bombers on their eight-hour mission over the Baltic Sea and an 'area of UK interest' that caused British Typhoon fighters to scramble to intercept them. The footage was shared on YouTube by the Russian Ministry of…

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