Boy Drags Around Fake Heart Machine While Waiting For Transplant

Story By: Georgina Jadikovska, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash

This cute two-year-old boy has to drag around an artificial heart in the form of a large pumping machine while waiting for a transplant.

Little Jakob, who has genetic defect causing his heart chamber to lack sufficient pumping power, is currently admitted at the Erlangen University Hospital in the German state of Bavaria.

Jakob is one of the youngest patients on the heart transplant waiting list.


For his heart to properly pump blood, he is constantly pulling around a 15-kilogramme box that helps keep him alive.

When he was admitted by Dr. Saya Aziz and her team from the Paediatric Cardiology Department in November last year, Jakob got an artificial heart to keep him alive.

The box he drags around, which is almost as big as him, serves as a blood pump with cannula tubes connected to Jakob’s heart and blood vessels.


His 32-year-old mother Miriam K. said it is very sad to see her boy crying while pointing to his heart.

The tot has been on the waiting list since last week and is hoping to get a donor soon.

Jakob’s mother added: “In the hospital you get familiar with the fate of many people. Therefore, it’s important to provide help. Without an organ donor, Jakob would have no chance of survival.”


The hospital’s ‘I run for your life!’ campaign has recently started to raise awareness about children in need of a heart transplant through different campaigns.

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