Story By: Delano Langras, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash
Belgians have complained about getting a cut-price monolith that looks like a poor relation of the fancy golden structure in Colombia or the mirrored one on the Isle of Wight after it appeared in a muddy potato field at a skew-whiff angle.
While at least seven other monoliths have been found in areas of outstanding natural beauty and archaeological significance, Belgian’s muddy version has popped up in a potato field in the village of Baasrode in the Belgian province of East Flanders.
Belgian newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws (HLN) even asked why “our own Flemish monolith looks a lot less impressive than the other pillars around the world”.

Seven monoliths have already appeared in the UK, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Colombia, and two in the US.
A creative collective called The Most Famous Artist, founded by US artist Matty Mo, 35, has claimed responsibility for the monoliths and even offers to sell structures for up to EUR 37,000.
However, even if true, the Dutch newspaper asked whether the group had created the cut-price, battered-looking version that appeared in the potato field with rivets missing.

In photographs published online, it does not even appear to be standing up straight.
HLN noted that it was highly questionable that the artist’s collective, if really responsible for the other monoliths in places, was also responsible for the dented one on the muddy potato field.
Since the first monolith appeared in Utah, new versions appear to have consistently been upgraded, like one on Isle of Wight with a polished mirrored surface, or the golden pillar in Colombia that was hailed as possibly the one monolith to rule them all.

Whereas the monoliths elsewhere seem to be getting ever more impressive, the one in Belgium has a very dull and somewhat dirty surface. It also has several dents, and unlike its counterparts, some of the rivets appear to be missing.
HLN noted that the seams were not welded and instead have been screwed into place.
Unlike the Dutch version where frost on the ground had been undisturbed by human feet, adding further mystery, the Belgian ‘extraterrestrials’ left their boot prints all over the muddy ground while erecting it.

The owner of the field, farmer Luc Vranken, said the monolith might well have been created by local pranksters jumping on the bandwagon, but either way he had no idea who they were.
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