Read more about the article Model’s Angry Bust Up Over Boobs Street Demo
Photo shows Melisa Aydinalp, undated. She walked with a sign in her hands, wearing underwear, on the street in Istanbul, Turkey. (CEN)

Model’s Angry Bust Up Over Boobs Street Demo

This is the moment a model known as 'Naked Girl', who is campaigning for the right for women to wear what they want in Turkey, is attacked as she walks along a packed street in her revealing underwear. Social media content producer Melisa Aydinalp was filming herself parading along…

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Read more about the article Customer Runs Back Into Pizzeria To Steal Food During Earthquake
Young people took advantage of the earthquake to leave a pizza buffet in Mexico City without paying, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023. The National Seismological Service announced on the afternoon of December 7, 2023 that the earthquake responsible for shaking Mexico City had a magnitude of 5.7. (Colchons Pizza/CEN)

Customer Runs Back Into Pizzeria To Steal Food During Earthquake

This is the moment a hungry man runs into a pizzeria during an earthquake to steal food as everyone else flees. The incident took place in a pizzeria in Mexico City when a 5.7 magnitude earthquake hit a spot 15.5 miles from the city of Chiautla de Tapia, in…

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Read more about the article Toddler Cuts Up Mum’s Housekeeping Cash
Photo shows the cut money, undated. A mother from Indonesia solved the puzzles after her daughter cut the cash. (@mahisaka_/CEN)

Toddler Cuts Up Mum’s Housekeeping Cash

This is the costly jigsaw a horrified mum was left with after her toddler daughter cut up a stash of banknotes during a craft session. The gutted mum saw her daughter playing with her craft scissors but thought she was cutting up coloured paper. It was only when she…

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