Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash
A teenage female activist who was arrested during ant-Putin protests has claimed that she was beaten up by Russian cops while under arrest.
Vera Oleynikova, 19, was arrested in the western Russian capital Moscow during protests against Vladimir Putin, 67, while holding up a sign calling the president a ‘buffoon’.
The teenage activist claimed: “They hurt my fingers and beat my hands. They broke a finger while trying to get my backpack.”
Oleynikova said that police officers who beat her then let her go without taking a statement.
She immediately went for medical checks where it was confirmed she had suffered injuries to her head, face and both hands, according to local media.
The video footage shows the moment Oleynikova returns to the police station to file a complaint but is apparently manhandled towards the exit.
She says: “What are you doing? I came to file a complaint.”
Local media said that over 50 people were arrested during protests in the Russian capital against President Putin and the government’s alleged acts of political repression and constitutional amendments.
On Monday, Russia’s Constitutional Court gave its approval for an attempt by Putin to reset the count on his presidential terms, allowing him to run for president again in 2024 when current rules would force him to step down.
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