Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit: CEN
This is the moment a school bus driver completely fails to see a 53-year-old woman walking over a zebra crossing right in front of him and knocks her over.
Yet incredibly the woman who was pushed forward by the wheels of the bus rather than being run over survived the incident that was captured on camera in the city of Antofagasta in the northern Chilean region of the same name, and was widely shared on social media.
In the footage, the bus is seen coming to a near-stop at the crossing just as a woman starts to walk across.
As she steps out in front of the school bus, it starts to accelerate and knocks the pedestrian down.
The bus then drags the woman along the road for several metres under its chassis.
The driver appears to realise that something is under the bus and he backs the vehicle away before several onlookers rush over to help the victim. it is unclear why he drove forward given the fact that the woman was clearly visible.
According to local media however, the unnamed driver insisted that he did not see the woman and accelerated without knowing she was there.
Meanwhile, the 53-year-old woman was transferred to hospital where she was diagnosed with multiple injuries, but her condition is reportedly stable.
Commenting on the bus driver, netizens said “I am sure he was looking at his mobile phone” and “he could have helped her”.
The police investigation is ongoing.
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