Story By: Elena Kalioglo, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit:CEN
This dark UFO-shaped ring has appeared in the sky over Moscow sparking speculation that it was an alien portal to another universe.
The footage was shot above the urban district of Selyatino in the Naro-Fominsky district of the Moscow region where several locals shared images of what they described as a weird alien like circle.
Admittedly the dark ring that appeared in the sky above the city was not the typical flying saucer and the conspiracy theorists described it as a “portal to another world” which the aliens simply forgot to close and forgot to hide in an invisible mode.
But it still sparked speculation as to what could have caused it if not aliens as the UFO watchers claimed.
Some compared it to a flock of birds, even though they do not fly in such circles and because it does not appear to be moving enough.
Others suggested it might be smoke but this was also rejected as the ring remained in place despite relatively strong winds.
Some Internet users believed that this was a trace from a military aircraft that had gone through the sound barrier, or that this black ring was smoke from an explosion.
Netizen ‘Oleg Efremenkov’ said: “Wow. It’s like a Portal to another world. I’m afraid.”
And ‘Edik Magomedov’ joked: “People, run! It’s an alien invasion!”
UFO specialist Yuri Senkin, from the Academy of Informatics and Applied Ufology, said he believed that the dark ring in the Moscow Region was a smoke vortex.
Yuri Senkin said: “There was turbulence yet the particles were aligned. From a scientific point of view, there is no obvious explanation for this phenomenon. But perhaps there was a release of some substances that fell into the upper atmosphere.”
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